Thursday, 28 April 2011

Day 28

Funny Girl
I'm very good, it seems to me
At hiding my fragility
But those who know me disagree
They tell me everyone can see
My thin-skinned vulnerability -
The essence of good comedy
They claim to hear a symphony
The churning musicality
Of all the doubts that batter me
The irony's not lost on me
That these days I'm successfully
Recycling my shittery

Put Out
Fire hazard
Meet your match
How dare you be so hot
You lit me up
I was struck
There was conflagration
Bells and sirens
Begging to be silenced
And you heard them
You caused them
And you didn't douse me down
So I got burnt
Whilst you
Who seemed to be a sea
Of rampant possibility
Got drowned
First Love

I am the sea, rising
Cresting, curled and pitched
Tumultuous blue
I am the twist and turn of liquid
In my thunderous fall to you
I am a thousand spilling waves
Tilting gathering sands
I am the ocean’s edge re-draped
Aside new risen lands

Sane Again
I've got emotional acne, pustules full of sad
Sometimes my feelings blister and the stuff inside goes bad
But I found a shit-hot therapist, up at Tufnell Park
And she laid me down on quilted silk and took my mind apart
We worked on past iniquities and hidden trigger points
And learned why I was prone to cry and smoke a lot of joints
We travelled deep inside and made my inner child all better
And now I'm sure I'm sane again - cuz I've got it in a letter

Class - Write a bad poem they
It's Imogen
Not Natalie
It's the formerly
Not the latterly
That gets her training classically
So getting smarter rapidly
Which is another kind of nattily
Although it's not grammatically cool
I want to stick this image in...
Imagine that you're Imogen
Brought up immersed in flattery
Educated formally
Well versed in this and thattery
The chances are that you'll go far
And not just geographically
And then consider Natalie
With just the one GCSE
In cookery
A girl who thinks that doggery's
The opposite of cattery
I'd like to think that she could shine
A model of tenacity
But fear she'll meet calamity
Skivvying for Imogen
In a menial capacity
It's Imogen, not Natalie
Who'll win in life emphatically
It's class system insanity
And a heinous, dreadful rhyme
Mushroom Salad
Getting fucked and fucking
These are my chief skills
Oh, and a make a shit-hot mushroom salad
But no one gives a fuck about that

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